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Friday, January 27, 2017

affordable care act republican

affordable care act republican

let's talk about what's next let's talkabout the republican response no right away we heard from eric cantor thingthat they're he is going to bring up a vote to repeal obama care by the week ofjuly ninth in the house of representatives he saysthat we we've got to do this in and he set the schedule on on the floorof the house of representatives he says that this is just a disaster we need torepeal this right away now it's constitutional according to the supremecourt and we need to vote on this now let's behonest that may pass the house of representatives it's not going to passthe senate ladies and gentlemen it's

just not going to that being said if president obama loses the twenty toldreelection campaign and the senate has taken over uh... by republicans in the twenty th of election their is it a real possibility that this could still be repealed by avote in the house and senate and then signed by president romney in twenty thirteen that is a realpossibility so

really now we see up most important you've got to maintain control if youare the democrats of the senate you've gotta keep president obama inthere you know to be very interesting is thatthis is really a huge this whole bill is a huge bill into the engine churnscompanies basically they get access to millions more customers and healthy customers at that which isreally what they want they want not spend money on their customers right soyou would think that you know if the

health insurance companies are smartthey're gonna try to support republican candidates in this election so that ifthey do win control of one of the houses of congress and or the presidency there's going to be a significantspecial interest to prevent them or some of them from voting and tipping thisinto a majority opinion so we'll see and give it a good point and and the election now in taking on uphold newcontext of needing couple other common thoughts purpose there paling tweet thatshe did say repeal in very quickly coming out and putting out this bizarretweet

about president obama lied can we getthat we'd applies on the screen by now we have at their on it's not workingright now added that might be able to get adifferent version okay let me let me put it up on myscreen and so we can take a look this enterica hailing tweeting obama lied to the american people againhe said it was an attacks obama lives freedom dies the welfare of paley really if thisis the is the strongest argument you can make

worldwide we should not be providing care so many million overturns the so manymillions of people is that president ovr mma gave the opinion that it wasn't atax that's a pretty weak argument against president obama'shealth insurance reform bill and let's be honest if being wrong about the legalstatus if something is a lie every single republican who said that obama carey'sunconstitutional by the same logic also

libelous uh... i guess so but uh... you know work we're notactually china talk about uh... the accurate or brewingall we're trying to do is bruno bombs image of course that that's really allis that unlike the others michelle bachman interview with wolf blitzersaying that now that this has been declaredconstitutional the economy will not recover does thisdo any nothing good in the economy well i'm sure that we're going to have jobloss numbers come starting right away

right lewis of michelle bachman frightor our entire economy is riding on on health care absolutely walk and now nota single job will be gained because of this decision will take alook at those jobs numbers next month for u on the bonus chill with texasrepublicans call for a corporal punishment and no critical thinkingwe'll talk about the chinese dog meat market as well as uh... some prankslouis pulled in high school and a woman being super glue jvi to a wal-mart wherethe david dot min dot com slash membership sign up will be back afterthe break

david that's you know bad david packed with dot com

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