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Friday, January 27, 2017

affordable care act republican votes

affordable care act republican votes

today house republicans passedlegislation to continue funding of the government while also defunding obamacare i don'tthink most people are gonna be surprised by this we'vebeen leading up to this all week but it happened here the results thevote was $2.32 189 almost down the lineup voting alongparty lines there was one democrat a mic micmcintyre cambodia fourth scott matheson i thinkjim's imagine that that's correct %uh scott

raichel was the only republican whovoted against that that bill and so they were able to do it johnbainer is feeling fairly transferred on match at this point after all thepressure is put on him to i i'm just saying and so we have himtalking about it now he sent it off to the senate this is what he said and all while we are victory today forthe american people record but also had a very victory forcommon sense yeah was senator baucus center-rightseveral months ago when he said that this

law is a train wreck it's time for us tosay no it's time to stop this before itcauses any more damage to american families anamerican businesses and so our message to the united statessenators real simple the american people don't want thegovernment shutdown and they don't want obamacare yeah the house is listen to to theamerican people now it's time for the united statessenate to listen to them as well yeah but i looked at his his statementhe kept referencing how they're just

doing what the american people wantthey've been saying that in town halls across the country now formonths but of course let's go back to 2012 and just look at the actual numbers democratic congressional candidatesreceived $53 million 950 to 1000 votes republicans rc 53million four hundred and two thousand votes but thanks to the power gerrymanderingthe republicans have a sizable lead in congress that they did not earned by getting morevotes from the american people

now stop for historical purposes weshould mention the point that's the house home by the way the democrats have thesenate fairly comfortably and oh by the way they have the whitehouse and oh by the way the comfortably passed the health care billwhich was incredibly hard to pass the senate and the house and so which american people are youreferring to it appears the american people throughtheir representatives already passed this bill already fundedthis bill

and i hear you cum johnny-come-latelysaying the you represent the american people when under no definition you representamerican p42 percent of americans on the pew research for a few others numbershandy but forty-two percent are in favor the want to see the bill implemented 27percent a year sixty-nine percent don't really like thebill but while congress to get it and implemented and fix it make it right that 69 percent that seven at ten peoplenearly seven at 10 who are either now really like it butlet's go past

and 42 percent and a boser like yeah so it's just warship well i don't knowif you know this though to be fair in another number was the number peoplewho say yes the funny is the right strategy that was six-percent american peoplesucceed american metal american yeah i do have my republicans i did muchbetter it was seven-percent yeah among republicans in the country onlyseven percent are in favor dis insanely fun strategy but the republicans just passed and theso-called how so

represented 80 million people a6-percent the country okay as a lot of american people that's rightand that $292 million disagree i yet so i 182 million idiot we have a with an interesting littlefact i so that the entire the purpose behind what the republicans havebeen doing is met this is our last chance to get ready for now like if it involves possibly saying on agovernment willing to do that we're ready find it but ironically according to a reportthis is for months ago i had nowhere but

at the time even if they def to fund it they shutdown the government whatever the government is shut downthat's not going to stop it from happening with a call from thecongressional research service it says it appears that substantial a caimplementation my continued during a lapse in annual appropriations thatresulted in temporary government shutdown itseems likely that the administration will continue to rely on alternativesources of funding to support a ca implementationactivities so even if the government no

longer was receiving funding forcongress they have other ways of getting the money to continue it yeah the congressional research service needsto hire funny writers yeah super sensitive to that yeah i tried so these republicans a have aretriumphant as john said bennett bainer seems so proudly we did and this was a victory for commonsense but it was a pictured a guess againstthe four separate but said 0 campbell is a logic to that mean

yeah common sense dictates that wouldyou go to the senate and democrats control the senate you will not win their and matt alsoindicates that and by the way the president has a vetoand he clearly will not be till o'bama care believe is the name you knowyes obama put the republicans obviously want thisrelease that the crazy i republicans in congress now they have lost significantportions a some rational republican senatorsunderstanding that simply baby they've done the arithmetic they know that theycame to pass

even some conservatives in the media arenot on board with this over riley was discussing this and hedoesn't think it's a good idea either fanaticism on the right also harm in thecountry responsible lawmakers have to find a wayto deal with their opponents in congress there's no wayobama cares got so basically it's not gonna happen and i don't exactly know where we'resupposed to go from here know i've i i understand that the democratsprobably will be able to get enough republicans on board

to shoot this down i imagine that i getany with a 50 they have to get a few well gothere that a decision has not been made yet on whether in a filibuster not so all this tough talk from ted cruz andhe has the mercedes it'll buster now now finally retire bythe standing filibuster but it wasn't clear until very very recently so this i find it amazing woman if youmake this kinda stand you gotta fill the official even knowthat yes i do that your king has been attacking chris for

a few days now i he continues to do sospeaking with wolf blitzer i wouldn't say anything good comes fromall this when when ted cruz imran paula might we fail in the senate next week maybe finally we republicans or intotheir influence its we is how people view should stopletting ted cruz sent over gender force he should stay in the senate should keepquiet and pick and deliver on this fine if you can't that you keep quiet for nowwhat so i yeah i mean that that is weighing the the peter kingwing of the republican party which john bainer that's the party he knows how toleave yeah i don't know how to lead that

branch and now that crazy branch is actuallycoming around but only because they're so furiousabout that cruise for betraying them because they were foolish enough tobelieve them in the first place because they haven't spent at in seconds figuring out the americangovernment just to give you an idea of the i guess the the philosophicalideological importance that some republicans are putting onthis battle which seems like

a complete waste of their effort thatthey've been organizing a writer for months now %uh representative said you know whospot upon the show before is like starting to draw historicalreferences and implying that this is important some other the biggest the most important civilrights struggles over time he says it only takes one with passiontalking about what they'll need to do this a look at rosa parks leakwell its up i martin luther king people with passionthat speak up philip people follow them

because they believe the same way and smart leadership listens to thatthis is not at that level like how deluded can you be able to try toall sources of with the sources say that stereo all people but with the civil rightswhen he is the most recent congressperson the most recent electedofficial to bring up birtherism he has said asrecently as all this time this year that if the president is not we should reexamine its cuz hewasn't born here

than none at his legislation is bindingso we can just get rid of all that he's also the person who said that that a tax on tanning beds in theaffordable care act is racist against whites but here is heneeds the passion arose up our cross apart by the way said 11 words her whole life so you're not apassion yeah it's your life lesser spoke for themajority though polish people if they were you know being subjugated either youknow the you ok with the soviet union in

iran curtain i am i don't not sure your host it's for the majority of the americanpeople as he stands up against obamacare which was passed by the representatives up the majority ofthe american people

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