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Monday, January 30, 2017

affordable health care plans

affordable health care plans

two hours beforethe democratic debate last sunday, bernie sanders released a statement about hishealth care plan. during the debate itself,hillary clinton didn't touch on it very much, because he reallydid two hours before the debate. luckily for us, we have thedetails and we're going to give them to you. bernie sanders basically want tocreate a system where we have medicare for all.

it is a single payer system thatwould make sure that every american in this country has access to healthcare. they will not have to worryabout the cost of it, because it will be paid for through taxes. hillary touched on that a littlebit, and of course red flags are raised as to the candidatesare talking about raising taxes. sanders campaign said that hissystem would provide health care coverage to all americans, ilike this part, illuminate

co-pays and deductibles, andbring healthcare spending under control. how would it work? "universal healthcare is an ideathat has been supported in united states by democraticpresidents going back to franklin roosevelt andharry truman. it is time for our country tojoin every other major industrialized nation honors andguarantee healthcare to all citizens as a right, nota privilege."

interesting that in the unitedstates, owning a gun is considered a right, but havinghealthcare coverage is considered a privilege. that is the country we areliving in now. the only way to stop westnile virus is with a gun. the only way to stop a badmosquito with the virus is with a good gun? something like that. he says, his campaign said,"they plan to ã± "his campaign

said that the plan would cost$1.38 trillion a year, but would save $6 trillion over the nextdecade compared to the current healthcare system, citinganalysis by gerald freedman, an economist at the university of massachusetts at amherst." "much of the cost would bepaid for through a 6.2 percent payroll tax paid forby employers, and a 2.2 percent healthcareopinion on workers. it also relies on taxing capitalgains and dividends on families

earning more than twitter$30,000 a year, limiting deductions for wealthy americans and raising the estate tax." much of the burden will be onthe wealthy, however the middle class would pay anadditional 2.2 percent in taxes in order to ensure thatthey have healthcare. keep in mind, that sounds crazy,i don't want to raise my taxes by 2.2 percent, thatsounds terrible, but you would save so much money when itcomes to your medical bills.

i recently told a story abouthow i went to the doctor and the screening show that ihad precancerous cells. i went to do further testingjust to ensure that i was safe, and i'd say $700 out of pocketduring the doctor's visit, and then got build an additional $419 because of the labs. this is what happened to meunder the affordable care act, and i have a ppo, i shouldnot have to deal with those kinds of costs.

i have to say this, becauseif you say anything against bernie, even secondhand, people are like you fuckinghillary support her. i support bernie sanders, butlet's keep it real, you are going to be paying some portion,if not all of that six percent payroll tax. you will not be paying2.2 percent. you will pay more, but at theend of the day you will end up saving, for in average family,thousands of dollars a year

on healthcare. people need to understand thatthere is, for most families, there is nothing larger as anindividual cost than health insurance. health insurance is right upthere, and eliminating significant portions of that,that will, for regular people, more than make up forthe initial taxes, even if the wealthy are going tobe paying more. but they can console themselvesabout the fact that they

make more than $10million a year. yeah, but how is hegoing to pay for it? that is what people will say. people say, three college, howare you going to pay for a? well someone is payingfor it right now. we just pay $30 million for allthe bombs would want to drop in the middle east nextyear, it will cost $60 million to send everybody tocollege. it is very affordable.

we are the richest country inthe face of the earth has ever seen. we have more money than weknow what to do with. we can pay for everyone'shealthcare and everyone's college without blinking. in fact, that is an investmentin america, paying for people's college, and takinghealthcare offer people's back. that money that she has to payfor overpriced healthcare, she can then spend somewhere else,

maybe buying housing. or stimulating the economy. instead of having it beingsucked out of the economy and going to the healthinsurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies, whichis where they are going now. we should live in a countrywhere you are afraid to go to the doctor because you aregoing to go bankrupt if you do. i am lucky that i have a goodpaying job ã± a decent paying job ã± and i am able to save a littlebit for situations where

all of a sudden i am still$1100 for a cancer screening. but not a lot of people are thatlucky, so what do they do? they just don't go tothe doctor. then they developedcancer and they died. so when we are having this ã±when we were having this affordable care debate, therewas this notion of death panels, people deciding whetheror not you live or die. that already exists in a sense,and that person deciding who lives or dies is the personthemselves, deciding not to

go to the doctor. first thing a doctor, or theoffice says when you call, are you insured, what isyour insurance? that is the first questionthey ask you. before the aca, if youhave previously existing condition, they would notensure you. as a death panel right there. i was listening to this guyalan watts, he is a philosopher, he is dead now, and he wastalking about if you talk to

medical professionals, they say they spend a third of derogatedoing medicine, and two thirds doing paperwork. that was back in the 70s,so imagine what it's like now. i had health problems for acouple of years, and i remember my doctor would spendmore time on the phone with my health insurance company thenshe were talking to me and try to work on me. we get rid of that when weget medicare for all.

he needs to say it that way, whydoesn't he say medicare for all? there was, when they were tryingto make it so we could have the public option, bennelson of nebraska wanted to shut down any kind of healthcare, and one of the things that was presented was, maybe we letpeople fifty and over by in medicare. that is basically thepublic option. he is trying to go too much. you think he is going too far?

i think people are fatiguedfrom healthcare talk, and now you want to up and it again? geography want to change it forthe better, but he needs to say, we need to expand medicare. it is not that big of anupheaval, people can wrap their heads aroundexpanding medicare. but that will single-payerthing, people still don't know what that means. after four years of talkingabout that plan, people

will know more about it now. i think jimmy has made two solidpoints ã± great in his career? i don't remember them. hold on, about bernie sanders' messaging,and i did not realize it, it is the way he frames things. if you want to a completereview of what we went through india for the care act, thatwill discourage a lot of people, which is what hillaryclinton is banking on.

she kept talking about how wewent through all of this to get the affordable care act, so hehas to change his messaging. i think he has a better plan,nobody is going to build off of the affordable care act. no one has tried to improve it,they keep saying that they will, but no one will do it. it has been aroundfor seven years. it is just a foundation, thenbuild on it hillary clinton. you say you have been wanting tobuild on it, then do it.

i would be happy with thepublic option, because then that would be a realcompetition. the problem is privateinsurance, we have a middleman between the doctor and thepatient that is supposed to give you money, but he has to takethirty percent of the money that you are spending. we have no cost controls. that is the problemwith the aca. there are good things to it, butit is still structurally flawed

because it is based on afor-profit system that gives a lot of your money to the pharmaceuticals. he is right, but heneeds better messaging. i'm offering my services againbernie, i'm really good with the words.

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