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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

affordable house act

affordable house act

the president:hi, everybody. americans have been fightingfor the idea that healthcare is a right, and not aprivilege since the second to last time the cubswon the world series. i'm not talking about the2016 cubs; i'm talking about the 1908 cubs. that's a really long time. and thanks to the efforts ofso many of you, we did it. today, 20 million moreamerican adults know the

financial securityof health insurance. on top of that, another3 million more kids have coverage than wheni took office. in fact, never in americanhistory has the uninsured rate been lower thanit is right now. and healthcare prices havebeen rising slower than they have in 50 years. if you haven't gottencovered yet, now is the time to do it.

it's open enrollment season. that means you can go and shop for insurance plans in amarketplace where insurers compete for your business. is fasterand easier to use than ever before. with a few clicks, you canstart comparing plans to see which one is right foryou and your family. you can even look up yourdoctor and medications as

you shop. most americans whoget coverage through can find anoption that costs less than 75 dollars a month. that's probably less thanyour cell phone bill. now, most of us don't getour healthcare through the marketplace, we get itthrough our job or through medicare or medicaid. and what you should knowis that, thanks to the

affordable care act, yourcoverage is better today than it was before. you now have free preventivecare, there are no more annual or lifetime limits onessential healthcare, women can get free check-ups, andyou can't get charged more just for being a woman. young people can stay on aparent's plan until they turn 26. seniors get discountson their prescriptions.

and no one can be deniedcoverage just because of a pre-existing condition. that's because our goalwasn't just to make sure more people have coverage,it was to make sure more people have better coverage. and as we continue workingto make the system better, there's something you can doto help yourself and help the country. go to,get covered.

and if there's someone youcare about who hasn't signed up yet, help them getcovered today, too. enrollment is open rightnow, but only until january 31st. if you sign up by december15th, you'll be covered by the beginning of the year. so, go check or call 1-800-318-2596, and someonewill personally help you find a plan that'sright for you.

insurance is based on theidea that we're all in it together. that's what makes it work,and it's the same idea that always made america great. thanks, everybody, andhave a great weekend.

affordable house act Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: #3


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